Monday, July 09, 2012

Teacher Gift

The school year has ended and this is the gift we gave early to Little Misses teacher in case the baby decided to arrive before her date!

I got this idea from another blog I enjoy and after 2 years with the same teacher, I really liked this idea as a present.  I changed it up slightly, as you'll see below.

The biggest thing I liked was the Berry Cobbler!!  Maybe it's being pregnant, but I thought what a great idea to add to a gift!!  Plus I get to try it myself!!  hee, hee

Dish on the left is for the gift

Here is the basket that I put together with items I picked up along the way the last month.

Teacher gift

Biscotti - By Nonni's, haven't tried them, but was told they are yummy by a friend...found them at Christmas Tree Shops, but I did also see them at Wegmans grocery store too.
Coffee - Sarabeth's French Roast, got this at Christmas Tree Shops as well.
S Mug - a favourite to give as a gifts, for sale at Anthropologie
Cobbler Dish - from HomeSense, which is like a TJ MAXX, Marshalls or HomeGoods for my American friends
Flip-flop napkins - from Christmas Tree Shops
Lemonade Mix - TJ MAXX
Clear Acrilic glasses - from TJ MAXX, perfect for by her pool this summer
Strawberry Jam - Homemade by moi!
Basket - an extra that I had in the house

I have to say, the Cobbler recipe was super easy!!  5-10 min prep time and easy instructions that even my husband could follow and make!!

When I made it in this smaller dish for the gift, I still went by the recipe and kinda split it between the dishes (I used a glass loaf pan for the extra so we could taste too!)

With summer berries coming into season, I highly recommend trying out this recipe!!


Sunday, July 01, 2012

Happy Canada Day!!

Today is Canada Day!!  

From Pinterest

I'm sure many of you are planning get togethers and preparing food for your day...we on the other hand, are laying kinda low.  Today is my due date!!  My Doctor is away covering somewhere else this weekend and so I'm taking it easy hoping that baby girl will stay comfy a few more days till he's back during the week!!    I think it's a bit of a comfort to have the Doctor you've come to know and trust over these past nine have them present for that important time.

So, no big BBQ for us today...and maybe no fireworks?!  We usually head to Niagara Falls for their big fireworks, but we usually park way at the top of a hill, grab Little Miss's wagon, fill it with everything and trek down to the grassy area for the show. Well, I can barely get down to the floor, let alone get back up at this point!!  So we'll see if there is something a little closer to home, or maybe Hubby will take her to something close by.  We'll see how the day goes!!

From Pinterest

As you make your way around your towns, cities and down the highways, please take care...enjoy your family and friends!

From our family to yours, Happy Canada Day!!  

From Pinterest

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