Thursday, October 06, 2011

Fabulous Fall

I have to apologize for my absence, it is not out of laziness, but as most of you with families know, September is a busy month...getting back into the school routine, seasons changing and just giving into the fact that summer is done.

Great inspiration for Fall decorating

Little Miss is back to school and couldn't be happier, in her SK year (senior kindergarten-like regular kindergarten for my American bloggers) and happier than a clam that all her 'besties' are in the same class too!

Fall is suppose to be cooler weather, (not cold) changing colours, (not falling off dried out, crunchy and dead) and comfort foods (we have been OK with that one-because it's been miserable). It has felt like we skipped fall and moved right into November weather....but things are looking up, this weekend is suppose to be nicer, maybe even a short sleeve shirt...we shall see how it turns out!!

A stunning Sept. sunset looking over Lake Ontario, we saw it out the bedroom window, hopped in the car and drove down there to enjoy it.

We did get a nice weekend in September and we finally had our garage sale, Little Miss after much coaxing happily went through her toys and found items for other children to enjoy...I made up 4 dozen muffins (banana chocolate chip and apple streusal), 2 dozen chocolate chip cookies, lemonade and fruit punch for her to also sell.  Hubby and I had already discussed that she could keep the profits from her items and the 'treats'.  Do you know that she did just about as well as we did????? Seriously!  People gave her extra money, let her keep change, one gentleman just gave her the money for a muffin and juice but didn't take any food!  Amazing! The muffins were gone by 9:30am (we started at 8am), cookies gone by 10:30am and the 3rd juice container was gone by noon. She was certainly pleased as 'punch' and was a good little 'upseller' too.  Hubby and I giggled to ourselves watching her interact with her 'customers'.

At first I wasn't ready for fall at ALL...we had such a HOT summer (I'm not really complaining here) and usually our September is an 'Indian Summer', with warmer days and still some humidity...I just wanted to hang onto the warmth longer...but then I started to see all the fall decor in the stores and I thought about some of the cute things I had in storage. Soon enough I was ready to get out my sweaters and jeans that I hadn't seen since April!  But Hubby and I took a short trip to New Orleans (he was going for business and I was fortunate enough to tag along) and it was in the low 100's each day with the humidity (oh 'Pinkberry' I miss you)!  Fall thoughts were put on the back burner and I was wishing our hotel had a pool! More about that trip on another post!

A little New Orleans preview...
the famous Cafe du Monde...the beignets were yummy!

As we returned home, we were quickly reminded of 'our' weather and we were greeted by 'Mum's' from my Mom, who watched Little Miss for us!

This weekend is Thanksgiving and we have plenty to be thankful for...Hubby and I will be cooking our very 1st turkey together (Mom will be on standby by phone-I hope!). We will also be preparing for Little Miss's 5th birthday party the next weekend! The Hello Kitty cookie cutter and 'official' icing colours have arrived and I have been watching all sorts of 'cookie decorating' tutorials all over blog land. Trying and educate myself and make sure I don't go fully grey putting this all together next week!!  :D


As I finish this post, I will let you know that I have some great posts coming after Little Miss's birthday party is behind us!  So please be patient and check back in soon!

Oh, and this is our cat, Bailey. He had the right idea on this cold and miserable day last week!!

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