Sunday, August 19, 2012

Celebrating the 4th of July!

We missed the big fireworks on Canada Day because of my due date and the baby didn't come. On we went with our lives and enjoyed our family of 3 with what little time we had left.


Tuesday evening everything started to change...Brackston Hicks got stronger, water broke and we started making phone calls!  We were off to the hospital at about 11:45pm and the newest family member arrived at 2am, July 4th!!

Mommy and baby girl

My Mom had about a 2 1/2 hr drive to get to the hospital and wouldn't you know it, she missed her birth by 5 minutes!!  5 minutes!!  Our newest little girl came SO fast compared to Little Misses 22hr arrival!!

Grammie and baby girl

I have to say we were elated when the Doctor said, 'It's a girl!' We had prayed for a girl and when I had my one and only ultrasound at 20 weeks, the technicians were 80% sure it was a girl!  So all along there were people asking, 'what if it isn't a girl?' I went and bought all girl items anyway...however I did keep all the receipts and didn't wash everything until we got home :D

Daddy and Lauryn

Miss Lauryn Mackenzie was a healthy 7.5lbs and 20 inches long...a little less and a little longer than her big sister when she was born.

Big Sister Emma holding the
long awaited Lauryn

We have been home now for 6 weeks and we are adjusting well.  Could use a little more sleep, but who couldn't with kids??  Little Miss is elated to have her little sister finally here and is always ready to help...that is, as long as it doesn't involve changing diapers!

Emma and Lauryn ~ 1 week old

When Lauyrn is upset, she rushes in to sing to her, grabs a diaper when we need one, gets me a glass of water, helps pick out an outfit, watches over her in the backseat, just to name a few...I think this 5 1/2 yr. age difference is working out great!

3 days old with Big Sister

Even Bailey welcomed Lauryn!

Now before I start getting letters about this picture...I'd like to say that this was a completely supervised visit from Bailey. We were there when he snuggled in and he didn't even stay. He hasn't been in there since and actually hardly gives her the time of day!!

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