I think this is my favourite item that grows in Niagara...I think we usually get a good 4 weeks of all the different types of peaches before they are done. It usually doesn't matter what kind they are, they are just all delicious!!
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One type that you should try are the White Flesh Peaches...they have lighter flesh and taste, more like a honey taste to me...they are lovely. They usually look like this...
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So I brought home our 1st basket yesterday and we've already gobbled half of them...this is the little fruit stand that I like to buy from, it is closest to our house and they are always good!
I have been thinking about Peach muffins that my boss used to make at the cafe I worked at in highschool...it was a basic muffin recipe and then she would use what ever fruit was in season, plums, peaches, you name it...she always had delicious treats to serve!! I will try to locate it and share it with you!
I just found this recipe and think we may need to try it!!
Peaches and Cream Popsicles |
What kinds of treats do you make with your peaches??!! Email me your favourites!!
Your dad's favorite was peach pie!