Thursday, August 25, 2011

After the storm!

If you live in Ontario, then you know about the storm that swept across the southern part of the province last night... I don't think it was as sever as the Meteorologists thought it was going to get, but the sky was sure lit up!  We lost power for a few hours around 10pm, but all was fine by branches down or anything really...just a  good watering for the plants!

This morning, Little Miss and I made our way to the beach to check it out...if you are along the coast after a storm, you will know that this is the best time to get seashells!  So I thought maybe there would be a some beach glass to pick up!

You have probably noticed that usually there is a 'line' on the sand from where the waves hit and leave a 'line' of debris, whether it's seaweed, grasses, shells, rocks or driftwood.  Today there were multiple lines on the of the lines was about a 1/4 of the way up the sand towards the parking lot!  That must have been some serious wave action last night!

Above you can see Little Miss running between 2 of the the very last picture I am behind these 2 lines and the 3rd line was still way behind me towards the parking.

At the one end of the beach (behind Little Miss in the last picture) there is a fence that divides what I think is a boat ramp area, from the public beach...we walked over to that boat ramp area to discover this little rocky/pebbly beach.  You can see the 2 lines in the above picture as well...we did find some beach glass amongst these rocks, big pieces mostly, but there were a lot of pieces that we not smoothed out and ready to take home yet.

Little Miss and I managed to fill my back pockets with beach glass and she even found a nickel and a 'cats eye' marble too.  I also picked up some small pieces of driftwood to use in making my own little sailboats.  I saw it over at Emerald Cove...I have been searching for the perfect pieces ever since!!

So our treasures have been cleaned, dried and added to their dishes for display...maybe we will hit another beach tomorrow and see what we can find there!!

Happy Hunting!!

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